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Cups for Linux & Mac

CUPS is preinstalled on Mac and a lot of Linux distros. You can use it to quickly add a printer. This was tested for common Chinese printer but might not work on other ones. It's still worth a try!


1. Add Printer

  1. Enable the CUPS Web-Interface by running cupsctl WebInterface=yes in the terminal
  2. Visit http://localhost:631/admin/
  3. Use your user credentials to log in
  4. Press Add Printer
  5. If your printer is plugged in it should be selectable under Local Printers. Select it.
  6. Give it a Name and Description
  7. For Make select Raw and Continue
  8. For Model select Raw Queue (en)
  9. Press Add Printer

2. In Sales & Dungeons

  1. Go to the Devices page and look for the name of your printer and press the Use button.
  2. Go to the Settings page and set the correct Printer Width. Check Tested Printer for printing width.
  3. Disable Explicit Initialization and Force Standard Mode

Important: If you don't find your printer listed as cups just go into the settings. Select CUPS as printer type and put in the name of the printer as endpoint manually.